23 February 2019

UPDATE 2 - Charting The Flanaess: a Settlements Distance and Mileage Chart

In May 2018 I began work on building a Settlements Distance and Mileage Chart for the Flanaess, but the project has lain fairly fallow until last month.

Since before the start of the year, our team of Greyhawk fan contributors have been working on material for the Greyhawk Seminar (details in last month's update), and I've been doing my part in that effort too.

As part of some of that work, I've realigned my mileage distances chart data to include only those settlements that appear on Anna B. Meyer's Flanaess map excerpt for the handouts.  In doing so, I removed a few cities from my original swag list, and added a few more, which meant that last Sunday I performed the rest of the Darlene map measurements to drive my distance calculations formulas.  

Here's where things stand at present:

Flanaess Settlements Mileage - Data Entry for Distances and Conveneting mm into Miles
grodog at work -
fitting the Flanaess into spreadsheet cells

With the change from some of the original settlements that are now out-of-scope for the map area in the new handouts, and adding in the new ones, I've now completed distances for 17 of the 130 locations, which is 13.1% of the overall effort.  A little progress goes a long way---although not so far in this case, since all of these settlements are in the Central Flanaess and are pretty close to one another! ;)



  1. This is fantastic. I wish you could find roads on the Darlene map. Is there a collection of all the Greyhawk Hex insets (Like from WG5, T1-4, etc.)

    1. Anthony---

      I don't think there were that many detail hexes; off the top of my head they should include:

      - the A1-4 supermodule (but not the individual modules)
      - L1-2 (plus the Dragonsfoot modules L4-5; I'm not sure that any of these were true blow-up hexes like in WG5 though)
      - N1 (but its not a blow-up hex)
      - S4/WG4
      - T1-4 as you noted
      - U2-3 (and sort of UK2-3 too)
      - WG4-5

      If you're not familiar with Anna Meyer's Greyhawk maps work, see https://www.annabmeyer.com/greyhawk-maps/: she has done a monumental job of chasing down maps from all eras and versions of Greyhawk, with layering to allow you to pick/choose sources, editions, etc., and to customize her maps for your personal games. Well-worth checking out!



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