27 March 2020

Virtual GaryCon "Celebrating Greyhawk" Seminar -- tonight 8-10pm CDT

Tonight I'm going to participate in our second annual "Celebrating Greyhawk: A Fandom Renaissance" seminar at GaryCon.  You can review last year's seminar info---including a summary and recording details.  

Here's the 2020 event description:

Seminar will Dual Live Stream on www.twitch.tv/lordgosumba and twitch.tv/garycon2. A personal Twitch ID is helpful, but not absolutely necessary. Also, there will be Prize Drawings at Seminar Completion for Giveaway Items related to Greyhawk & Old-School Gaming---for example, free copies of the print version of the Oerth Journal.
Greyhawk fans have been creating and sharing content online for 25+ years, across many platforms. Join Bryan Blumklotz, Mike Bridges, Allan Grohe, Carlos Lising, Anna Meyer, and Kristoph Nolen as we celebrate and showcase Greyhawk resources created by the fans who champion one of D&D's oldest settings.
Additional information about the seminar will appear on the seminar page at Greyhawk Online.

This year there are, of course, a few changes of note:

  1. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, GaryCon has been cancelled and Virtual GaryCon has taken its place; more info/details in the GaryCon Facebook group and on the Virtual GaryCon page in TableTop Events
  2. Also due to the cancellation of GaryCon, Carlos Lising of caslEntertainment will not be joining the virtual seminar panel
  3. The structure of the panel is new this year---we'll dig into topics submitted by Greyhawk fans online, and take live topics from the audience, and have expanded audience Q&A to 30 minutes at the end of the program
  4. The topics of discussion are somewhat fluid due to the nature of the interaction between panelists and the audience, and while we can't promise that these will all fit into the flow of the live discussion, here's what we have in mind:
    1. Introductions 
    2. Where Greyhawk Discussion is Hot in Social Media 
    3. Greyhawk Beyond the Flanaess 
    4. Greyhawk products - favorites, modules, obscure/under-appreciated products, etc.   "
    5. Core" Greyhawk lore Fan Projects
    6. Conclusions
  5. This year we have several sets of prizes being offered to seminar partipants, including Greyhawk fiction by Gary Gygax, adventure modules from contemporary OSR publishers and Greyhawk classics from TSR, print copies of the Oerth Journal, and more!

See you tonight 8-10pm CDT!:

Seminar will Dual Live Stream on www.twitch.tv/lordgosumba and twitch.tv/garycon2. A personal Twitch ID is helpful, but not absolutely necessary. Also, there will be Prize Drawings at Seminar Completion for Giveaway Items related to Greyhawk & Old-School Gaming---for example, free copies of the print version of the Oerth Journal.



  1. In case you're not able to attend live, the seminar will be recorded, and I'll share the recording URL once Jay has it posted to his LordGosumba twitch.tv channel, too.


  2. The recording is split into two parts:

    - part 1 @ https://www.twitch.tv/videos/577105210
    - part 2 @ https://www.twitch.tv/videos/577184807

    The prize winners were (based on my notes, so the usernames/etc. may not be 100% accurate):

    Donated by GreyhawkOnline and the Oerth Journal:

    1. Oerth Journal 32 print copy #1: won by Shade Mage
    2. Oerth Journal 32 print copy #2: won by Eddy Ragnarok

    Donated by Bryan Blumklotz:

    3. Custom heraldry design of winner's choice: won by Asher

    Donated by Gabor "Melan" Lux:

    4. OSR bundle #1: complete set of Echoes from Fomalhaut zine #1-6, Barbarian King, Lost Valley of Kishar, Nocturnal Table, Castle Xyntillan: won by Azure Liz Cerulia (I really mangled this one, I think, sorry!)

    Donated by Black Blade Publishing and Chaotic Henchmen Productions:

    5. OSR Bundle #2: OSRIC (AD&D retro-clone, brand-new 3rd printing), 1 11"x17" double-sided graph pad (6 and 5 squares per inch), 1 8.5"x11" double-sided graph pad (6 and 5 squares per inch), 1 11"x17" double-sided dual-layered hex pad (Wilderlands and Greyhawk sized hexes), 1 8.5"x11" three-hole drilled layered campaign hex pad (three-layer WG5-style hex and Wilderlands-style two-layer hex), F4 Withered Crag by Guy Fullerton (Chaotic Henchmen), C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, S2 White Plume Mountain, U1-3 The Saltmarsh Series: won by ParaJosh

    Donated by Black Blade, Three Line Studio (Rob Kuntz), and TLB Games (Paul Stormberg):

    6. Greyhawk Bundle #1 = Rob Kuntz Books: El Raja Key Archive Standard Edition with K1 Sunken City (DVD or USB version for archive), Bottle City (Black Blade edition), Dark Druids (Chaotic Henchmen edition), WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure: won by Zudrak

    Donated by Allan Grohe and Black Blade Publishing:

    7. Greyhawk Bundle #2 - Gary Gygax Books: complete set of Gord the Rogue novels (2 from TSR, 5 from New Infinities Productions), G1-3 Against the Giants, S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth: won by Celestian

    Congratulations to all of the winners, and many thanks to the donors who keep Greyhawk and old-school gaming alive at our tables! :D



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