25 October 2019

grodog talking 1e Dragons and Greyhawk on Twitch Sunday night @ 7:30pm EDT

Just a quick announcement:   I'll return to talk Greyhawk and dragons on Twitch again this weekend, with Jay Scott and Anna Meyer, on Sunday, Oct 27, 7:30PM EDT, livestreaming at https://www.twitch.tv/lordgosumba

Here's Jay's full announcement:
Sunday evening, we continue our discussion on everyone's favorite D&D monster, Dragons, with Gabbin' at Lord Peak's Haven #68 - Dragons of the Flanaess, Part 2. We will discuss specific Dragons from Greyhawk Canon and Lore, and from the participant's Campaigns. My guest hosts this week will be Anna Meyer and Allan T. Grohe Jr.! This should be a fantastic finish to our two week chat on this topic! We begin Sun, Oct 27, 7:30PM EDT. Thank you so very much for the wonderful support, and I hope to see you Live Stream! www.twitch.tv/lordgosumba

 Talk to you then! :D



  1. Loved the cast. So fun to hear the differences of opinion especially in light of my plans for the next leg of my campaign (and ofc the materials we discussed with Guy).

    1. Thanks Anthony, it was a fun discussion =) Happy to hear some more about the differences that stood out to you, both from among us panelists as well as vs. your own designs!


  2. whoa...that was long. you guys did great though. I just finished watching on you tube since Nikki and I were out on Sunday. Greyhawk is such an amazing setting


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