26 August 2019

Darlene Greyhawk Gothic Font

Darlene Artist's wonderful Greyhawk font, showing-off some of the dungeon level titles from my version of Castle Greyhawk!

You download the free-for-non-commercial-use font from https://www.facebook.com/groups/1471065309863986/permalink/2082384232065421/

In the text file of the download, Darlene includes details on how to purchase a commercial license as well.  

Some additional context/details from Anna Meyer, who sponsored Darlene's development of the font:
I helped Darlene create a font featuring the famous script of the Greyhawk logo. It took awhile but here it is, version 1 of the Greyhawk Gothic font.

It is released as Creative Commons -BY -NC -SA 4.0 so you can use it for all your gaming needs as long as they are not for commercial purposes. 

You can grab it here: http://bit.ly/GreyhawkGothic-Font
Image may contain: text

After I downloaded the font, I played around with it using some of my Castle Greyhawk dungeon level titles:



  1. Replies
    1. Indeed she did, Scott: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darlene_(artist)



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